New CD player or new external DAC ?

I have been looking for some options for a decent upgrade to my 14 year old Arcam MCD player. Since the CD player actually works, I'm wondering if it would be a better option to just keep it as a transport and get a good quality DAC. Would this provide an improvement ? Or is an improvement in the transport required as well.

I was looking at some $600-$900 Cd player options such as the Marantz 6400 or the Cambridge Audio 351 or 651. But then started to turn my focus to DAC and am looking at the Bryston BDA1 (can get a VERY good deal on a a store demo...full warranty), and thinking it would be worth the extra money IF it will be a signifcant upgrade to my stand alone Arcam MCD. Would this transport and DAC be a match ? And with a DAC, if I have future flexibiity as well. And if I can get just as good but less expensive, I would consider that as well.

Thoughts, comments ???
I'd say that depends on if you plan on possibly wanting to play back music from a computer in the near future. If you are happy putting discs in one at a time and playing that way then I personally would look for a used player that is major bang for the buck. CD players are becoming a thing of the past and there are some great deals out there.

If you are ready to come out of the dark ages and play back from a computer then yes by all means get a DAC. The Bryston is a good DAC I have one and for whatever reason the prices have dropped pretty low on the used market. I've seen them going on here for 1100
Either way, a new DAC or a new CDP will improve your sound. Remember too that once that 14 year old Arcam breaks, it probably can't be fixed. Agree that if, like me, you play discs and have no interest in computer music, a CDP is the most cost effective option.
Perhaps I should ask this way: For the same amount of money (say $700-$1000) would I get a bigger upgrade by buying a CD player for that amount, or keeping my Arcam as a transport and spending that full budget on an external DAC ( and in this case, I'm looking at the Bryston) ?
I would get a recent used CDP. Avoid having to buy a digital cable and hoping the Arcam keeps working. And lots of newer CDP's have computer connectivity if that is an issue. There are also many who feel the transport is just as important as the DAC, and that the connection between transport and DAC can cause other problems.
Can you "borrow" some CD or DVD players and DACS to try out in your home system. Take some home, connect them and A/B compare them with your existing equipment to hear the difference in your system for yourself. First, borrow a decent DAC and try it. If you don't care about USB capability, try a used Theta DS Pro Gen VA DAC. You would be hard pressed to find another DAC out there that can out perform this unit. Then find some other CD players or DVD players to use as transports only. examples will be Pioneer Elite DV09, DV 79AVi, etc. use as transport only. They are actually very wonderful sounding into a good DAC. You can do this on the cheap. DV 09 or DV 79AVi run about $250 to $300 used and are hard to beat at a stand alone transport. Most people got rid of them because they wanted the newer bells and whistles, such as USB or Blue Ray capability. But, if you want a CD transport only, well... these are hard to beat. But, I suggest borrowing some first and hearing them in your system. CD transport and/or DAC.
