New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

Another observation is that some cds sound better with homogeneous harmonics and better musicality in 88/96k (or x2) than 176/192k (or x4) and some sound better at plain 44k. As for the filters s-dly1 is better with plain 44k, but I prefer fir or no filter with higher sampling rates. Filter off option makes vocals more natural.
Lesser or relentless recordings sound better with D03 due to its more laid back, slightly warmer and less revealing nature. On the other hand D02 is absolutely neutral and it reveals everything without changing anywhere.
To me clock makes equally big difference on both D03 and D02.
Yes that is the way it should be. And is why I wanted to try out the clock once more and would not have ordered without listening to it first.

As I said, with the 03s I had the old G-0rb home for a try out twice. WHile I think I could hear a difference, that was to the small side of things, not always for the best, and after a while decided that my findings were not conclusive at all. So both times I decided not to go for it, given price and the improvement I got. Was surprised given what I read all over, but it was what I heard.

So with the 02s I also got to demo the same G-0rb, which haven't been sold still... to demo it. And the difference this time around was evident and affected all aspect of sound. Without entering into specific details of where it got better, I will say the listening experience was much more enjoyable. So I ordered the new G-0. This was an easy decision this time. It took me very little listening to have it clear. If cost is not a problem, the difference is very high.

WIth the G-0, I can say that the improvement was even better. Was not like going from no clock to a clock, but still again all improved more. SO in my system the difference between the 2 clocks are also evident, being the new superior. It does basically the same thing with the music, but to a greater extend. And still breaking in. But sounded fantastic almost from day 1.

So if it is not the clock model that makes the listenable difference, since I would have bought the old model too if the new was not out, it can only be, in my case 2 things that made me not hear this differences before so clearly

The 03s models benefit less of this (doubt it) or given it's less resolving nature, the effect is less evident.

or my system was not capable of showing this up. I tend to think it may be a mix of both, but weighting the second much more. The only major change in my system in between try outs really is in the speakers. Although it was a big one: went from the B&W 800Di, to the TAD R1. The B&W I do like them very much and I think for the cost they deliver big time. But they can not compare to the R1s in any aspect of sound (as you would hope and expect too given price difference...). So here is where I think the explanation can be.

As for cables, the Esoteric 6100 BNC for clock and the 2 DA6300 for digital are also by far best I've heard with these. Guess is synergy or that they are designed with these units in mind. The 6300 makes a big difference with any other cable I have tried. I would love to try the PCs, but having a hard time finding them for a try out. And also I am quite happy with the sound I am getting so if I can or find a good opportunity I will give them a try but not really actively looking at it. The rest of cables seem to work well. I have also a pair of 6300 form the DAC to the pre, and SR for PC. SC are Siltech Emperor. The warmer nature of the SR and the Siltech may also help to get a musical presentation, along with some tubes in the chain (in my case ARC 40 anniversary pre).

As for filters I leave that off in all cases. For CDs I use the mode they recommend with the P02: the ES link3. For SACD I do DSD. SCADs are fantastic. Nad CDs are very good as well, but if the recording is poor you can tell. But that is the way it should be I think. Transmit what is there, not alter it. But even in these cases the listening I find it very enjoyable.

Regarding clock, are you using the G-0 or the G-0rb?
One Q Pharma,

how do you have the clock out terminals connected to DAC an transport? Do you use both out terminals A from clock to transport and DAC and turn off terminals B and C,

or use A1 for DAC and B1 for transport, and turn off A2 and B2 (and both Cs)?
Eelii & Pharma: I am thinking of taking a step-wise upgrade path with my P-03U/D-03 combo over the next year and was thinking of upgrading my D-03 to D-02 and keeping my clock and P-03U transport. I know there are modes above 176.4 that are not accessible in the D-02 without the matching P-02 transport but that P-03U and D-0 can work together. What are you thoughts on D-02 given additional time to break in and what you've been able to hear since February? Thanks!
Hi Eelii ,

It is G0rb. The clock makes a big difference with both converters.
I use DA6300 as an interconnect and 8n-a2800 as AES.
I tried the opposite configuration but 8n-a2800 was less resolute and slightly warmer as an interconnect.
I prefer filter off in good recordings and especially vocals, but with lesser recordings I prefer short delay 1 in d-02 and fir with d-03.
Sacd is great with both dacs. D02 is holographic with pin point imaging but slightly dry and forward.
I would go for TAD cr1 or r1. They have life like dynamics and incredible resolution. Their only sin is that they are a bit forward and very slightly thin sounding in mid- treble region. My favorite is Stella Utopia.