Sorry, haven’t been here for a week.
Main source is a Bryston BDA-3 DAC driven by a Cambridge CXU. My old turntable and new Moon phono stage are rarely used. Speakers are Amphion Argon 3LS. Started when I felt I needed more power for my old KEF 104.2 speakers so I started looking at new integrateds.
Tried, at home, the Krell Vanguard, Magnum Dynalab MD-309, Hegel H300 and the Modwright. The attraction to the MW
Main source is a Bryston BDA-3 DAC driven by a Cambridge CXU. My old turntable and new Moon phono stage are rarely used. Speakers are Amphion Argon 3LS. Started when I felt I needed more power for my old KEF 104.2 speakers so I started looking at new integrateds.
Tried, at home, the Krell Vanguard, Magnum Dynalab MD-309, Hegel H300 and the Modwright. The attraction to the MW