New level of ridiculousness

$8,995 for a power strip???
Stick 8 off the shelf receptacles in a marble??? box, and there it is.
It is getting more and more ridiculous. As if manufacturers are now driven by a desire to extract as much $$$ from aaudiophiles with sufficient income, and not by a desire to advance the quality of their products.
I wonder...
"Creates a new standard in magic sound staging"

Veridian, That’s just puffing. I don’t think anybody takes that type of general claim seriously. What I had in mind was when a company advances a product’s specific claims using a bunch a meaningless technical data and jargon.
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You hit the old proverbial nail on the old proverbial head. It's like all the talk about "blacker than black" backgrounds -- the subject of a recent thread of mine. It's all ad copy.