New Luxman 507Z

MusicDirect has communicated that the new Luxman 507Z will retail for $8995. The  prior model, the 507uXII was $6495. I appreciate that Covid has driven up the price of goods coming from Asia (cost of containers) and that inflation may have some impact but this is pretty steep.

Does anyone know if there are significant technical or feature improvements to justify a nearly 40% price increase?


Any new info out of Axpona about Luxman plans going forward? New 507z integrated and M-10x power amps already announced or released.....anything more concrete on what will happen with the 509X (upgrading in future to 509Z ???) and when? Still true that class A integrateds being shelved?? Just wondering if anyone heard anything new at the show - TIA

I believe that the 509z is definitely in the pipeline.

I believe it was Mike at Suncoast Audio who said that Luxman was getting out of class A because of the environmental impact.


Crazy, can not afford this. The only "good" news is that the second hand price of our Lux amps will also explode and we might sell them more expensive than what we paid.

I listened to the 507Z at AXPONA last Friday, apparently the only one in existence.  The sound to my ears was a big improvement over their previous class A or AB integrated amps.  

Gone is the overtly smooth and forgiving presentation in favor of more clarity and transparency.  It was a big step that direction but not quite x ray resolution either.  Overall a very sweet, highly likeable sound.