New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



fsonicsmith:   The stereophile review isn't online yet.  How did they measure?


First, to answer your question Friend, it measured very well. Extremely well. 

I don't normally even read the measurements section as to loudspeakers so I had to go back and read it to answer your question. What most impresses ME is that the rated sensitivity, low-end frequency response and impedance were spot-on as was mirror imaging (driver matching) between the loudspeakers. Cabinet resonance was very well controlled which means nothing to me. The measured FR was ever so slightly tipped up but JA did not find then to be bright in his [weird] room. For some reason JA did not seem to measure dispersion characteristics or even discuss them to any degree in his listening impressions. Overall, assuming that they were not cherry-picked samples this indicates very fine QC and his listening impressions certainly indicated very high value-they played loud without break-up or strain. I say this without a scintilla of personal buying interest. Would never happen. 

Thanks very much fsonicsmith!

Ultimately I buy on what I hear, but I do find it interesting to see how a speaker measures.  It's interesting to find some correlation between what I hear (or a reviewer hears) and the measurements.


I've been reading through this thread and other online sources. It seems that the appropriate height stands for these are 20" based on what Music Direct suggests and the Sourcepoint manual which indicates the center of the speaker should be 33" off the floor and with the height of the speaker at ~22", (that stand height or maybe a tad higher) seems to make sense.

But in the review @nonoise posted, those two gentlemen suggest a speaker height of 28"?!?!  Anyone have experience or more insight?

@jcoehler , That got my attention as well as 28" is quite high for a speaker of that size to rest at. My ears reside around 37". A halfway point of 11.25" from the base is where the center of the tweeter is so, theoretically I'd need a stand around the 25-26" height.

If the off axis reach of the tweeter is good, I would think 22-24" would suffice and maybe even 20", if you slouch a bit.

All the best,