New Phono cartridge

Good afternoon - I am looking to upgrade my cart. I have a Transrotor ZET 1 with a Jelco 800s tonearm built for Transrotor. I use a Gold Note PH-10 phonostage. Current cart. is the entry level Hana LOMC. Thanks for any guidance that you can provide!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
Yes, millercarbon has a problem with stylus jitter. It is so bad that he tossed all his fine moving coil cartridges and bought the cheapest Sound Smith he could afford to banish it from his life. Just think. He could have gotten himself a Grado but alas Grado does not know how to create that kind of marketing rubbish. Unfortunately with the kind of turntables Millercarbon uses Grados hum anyway but boy when they don't the sound way better than any Sound Smith I have not heard. Poor old Joe. And, he invented the things. Millercarbon you are a mean animal.
brett, my soon to be son in law's name. Great kid. Get an Ortofon any of the Black's in your price range. Any of their LOMC's will work great in your arm. Their 2M Black MM cartridge will not. It's compliance is too high for your arm. The Lyra cartridges are also great. The Air Tight's and Koetsu's are very stiff and you would probably have to add some weight.
They are also relatively expensive. The Clearaudio's are good cartridges but just not as good a value as the Ortofon's. The Quintet's and Cadenza's are IMHO the best cartridges for the money. The Windfeld Ti is up there with the big boys at a third the cost, just a great cartridge.
How about upgrading your table with a second motor and PSU? And add a second Jelco 850. Maybe a 12". Then buy a Decca. Like this one. Your GNote supports 2 inputs. You will not regret it.
Noromance, having owned a Decca cartridge, it is a difficult cartridge to recommend. Build quality is spotty, it can be difficult to set up and it is very arm sensitive. You have to really love it to put up with it. I did not personally find it positives out weighted its negatives. There are numerous cartridges available that are a sure bet which is why the Decca is not prevalent.