new processor me decide

Looking to get a new processor for my hometheater... hometheater 90% to music 10%.

i am going to get the new oppo 103 for source.
i figure i will let the oppo decode all, i will run an hdmi directly to the projector for video and i haven't decided on the connection to the processor...either the other hdmi or rca... but i do want the room correction to be used....

choices are:

1. ingrera dhc-80.3. $2600. 9.2. audyssey multieq. xt32.

2. emotiva xmc-1. $1500. 7.2. TACT dynamic room correction

3. marantz av 7701. $1700. 7.2. audyssey multieq xt

4. anthem d2 w/ arc. $2000. 7.1. arc

since i will be using the procceor on the oppo i will only need these processors to be used as their room correction and sound abilities.

my amp is an anthem p5.... and so far I'm not that big of a fan of 7.1 so i dunno if that makes a difference to me.

tell me what you think.
Bill, if this is not yet clear, should you wish to use one of those processors for room correction, then you cannot use the OPPO for decoding/processing. Similarly, if you want to connect to the processor with HDMI or RCA, then you also cannot use the OPPO for decoding/processing.

Out of curiosity, why do you want to do audio processing with the source, rather than with the pre/pro?
Since i am looking to upgrade my ps3 as my source to an oppo, it was brought to my attention that why would i want to buy a source that decodes and run it to a new processor that decodes as well.

i was speaking to oppo and they said why not use the hdmi out and run it straight to the projector for video, then run the audio separate to the processor to get my room correction....

i am just going off of what i was told. Did i miss something?
As far as using the nad,,, i decided i wanted to make use of the xlr inputs on my amp... so the nad did not make the list.
Baranowski, Oppo may have meant to use both HDMI outputs on the Oppo, one for video directly to your projector, the other to the processor for audio.
Another option would be to get an Anthem MRX300 AVR and just use it as a pre/pro, very cost effective @$1000. I went from separates to the MRX in conjunction with my existing 5 channel amp and it works great. You could use some of the amps in it for extra channels or even a second zone.
Anthem's ARC room processing is nice in that it comes with a calibrated mic and uses the power of an external computer to calculate the filters.
I am currently using a pioneer elite 92txh for the same. i just use the preouts to my amp..... i was told there is a world of difference between that and a dedicated processor