New Review on AricAudio amplifier & speakers

Hey Everybody,

Just submitted to Stereo Times a review entitled "The ultimate combo for SET aficionados". The review covers the superlative AricAudio Super 2A3 SET two chassis amplifier and Aric’s first pair of speakers called the Spectre 12 speakers that he designed to be matched with SET "Flea Watt" amplifiers. If you own any of Aric’s tube creations or use SET amplifiers you owe it to yourself to audition them with your SET amplifiers. Very special in design and build quality. The details about this combo will be in the review. However, both are special pieces and deserve attention here on AudioGon.

Teajay (Terry London)



It’s all good, the best or ultimate is very subjective and has a direct correlation with one’s affordability….kinda like, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and vice versa.


the best or ultimate is very subjective

I would say that terms like "best" or "ultimate" or even "wonderful" (which teajay used) are all conditional on many different factors. It is very hard to spell out those factors in a way which justifies terms of praise (best, ultimate, etc.)

However, they are not "subjective" strictly speaking any more than the word "green" is subjective. We typically agree when we see it, we differentiate it from "red", we know it’s in a different category than "smooth" or "airplane," and this level of agreement enables us to coordinate our actions.

The same kind of agreement must apply to terms like "best" or "ultimate" or they are nonsense words that make sense only in the mind of the speaker and not worth using at all. Writers and readers need to understand how those terms are being used and what justifies that use.

Terry, thanks for the heads up and for your reviews of Aric Audio gear.  I used your reviews, in part, to help me decide on an Aric Motherlode preamp.  Now I have a full set of his electronics including the Motherlode XL, Super KT Push Pull amps, and a special MC/MM phono stage.  In each case, Aric was great to work with and each was a "new" design for him.  I couldn't be more pleased with the end result.    

Regarding the Spectre 12 speakers, do you compare them to other high efficiency speakers in your review?  I am interested in learning more about them.

Thank you for what you do!  Dave Neumann