New Rouge Dragon amplifier

Has anyone had a chance to hear the Rouge Dragon amplifier... thank you 
Rogue has a great track record of providing top notch sound for good value.  I'm betting this continues that.  
a rogue by any other name....

Maggies need power to 2ohms. Rogue is a great company
but I see not rating for power at 2 ohms in their stats.
Now go do your homework and let us know what you buy.
Buy once/Buy right.
Read the reviews for the Rogue Medusa which uses a Hypex 400 module, the DragoN should be a little better. I have a Medusa and it responds nicely to tube rolling to achieve the best synergy in your system and the DragoN uses a similar 12AU7 front end stage.
Boys and Girls and concerned folks
FYI Rogue Audio has a pair of Magnepans on the design floor and knows how to make it work together. JohnnyR,Audio Connection, Magnepan, Rogue Audio’s,1st dealer.
JohnnyR, What is your take on the sonic differences between the Medusa and DragoN?