New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID

I am very lucky to be close to Audio Connection and John has outfitted my entire rig over the years. I am currently running Ares/RP-7 to M-180s - always liked Mark's designs and he/Nick are so approachable over at Rogue.

I used to run 2CE IIs for the longest time and loved them and I thought I would give ID a try and landed a pair of Double Impacts - which I love.

However, I have the upgrade itch and I am in two minds on whether I want to go back to Vandy's or look at Salk/Ascend.

I have narrowed down my list to Spendor D9s, Vandy Treo CTs, Salk Soundstage 8s and potentially the Sierra Towers. I am going over to Johnny's this weekend for another listening session with the Treos and potentially Quatros.

I have always looked (more likely lurked) on these forums over the years for advise - unfortunately never posted :(.
@ctsooner hope you are doing better mate - you, @tomic601 and @gdnrbob got me onto the Quatros.
Pete is a Saint and a true warrior, hope he is doing better.

glad you are enjoying the system - there is a lot of synergy and power amps can shine being free of the demands of powered bass. 
Enjoy the music !!!!!!! And the Nightbird set him FREE
Congrats, and enjoy. Heck, join the club.
I hope to see Pete soon and help him with some marble plinths.
HEy guys, thanks.  Life is great. lol...;).  I get to listen to awesome audio and that's all that matters.  

I was thinking about what tech goes into my Quatro's.  I have heard a few speakers in the under 40k range recently and was left lacking. Brand names that we all toss around daily on AG and others.    I started to realize that there are a few speaker that get me emotionally involved.  

The two that stand out from top to bottom are Vandersteen's and Harbeth's.  I looked into the drivers that Vandy uses and am amazed.  Folks never talk about his cabinet inside a cabinet designs, but it's there.  I have handmade carbon fiber cones.  I have yet to hear a tweeter sound as realistic and enjoyable as these drivers.  

Some speaker lines that go up to 750k are still using paper cones that break up something fierce on anything. You just can't have coherent sound when the driver is breaking up and out of phase. 

Yes, I'm a Vandersteen fan, but I love good music.  Harbeth isn't the only one that makes a really nice speaker, but it's one that I think gets it right and isn't worried about talking about aluminum cabinets or special polymers or whatever.  You can make a great speaker using some of those things, but you can also keep to basics to make a nice enjoyable speaker.  

That all said, I notice my Quatro's scaling with better anything and many others not being able to.  If I was looking for speakers again in my range of 15k, I'd still go with Quatro's.  
@ctsooner - apols haven’t been on this thread for a bit but your choice with words is spot on - scaling. My brother was over - moonlights as a musician otherwise a partner at McKinsey - keep teasing him about that - but he was bowled over - good enough for me :).