New Speakers To Buy

At present I have a pair of Jm Lab Cobalt 815 about 17yrs old the tweeter in one speaker has gone out. Do know if it can replace it.

Now in search of a new pair to buy...using a OCM 200 Amp and have a small listening room about 15 X 15 X 14.

Thinking of B&W 836 ..NHT Tower..Klipsch RF Line and the Hersery III. Looking for a wide and deep sound stage with a depth of detail from that speaker.

Love to hear of what else could be out there to listen to.

I would take your JM Labs over any of the newer speakers you list.

"Looking for a wide and deep sound stage with a depth of detail from that speaker."

If that's your goal, my first choice would be a pair of Vandersteen 2's, but I think your room may be too small for them. A small pair of Audio Physic or Thiel should work very well for you. Or, if you like your current speakers, maybe stay with that brand.
In any case you decide, your tweeter is replacable and no brainer to replace if you really liked your current ones. Will probably cost you the smallest and smartest investment considering the fact of some hassle to order and to set-up new speakers.
Without knowing your budget I would recommend a used pair of Proac Response 2.5. A lot of performance for a little less than $2,000.