New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.


Every single Purple and Master fuse is different and the only way to determine the direction is by listening.

The Purple fuses sound "thin" if they're the wrong way around.

The Master sounds "F*ckin' A" if you've got it right.

Update on Master Fuse, after 250+ hours of settling I can really tell what it is doing. It is a little more detailed than the M1, much more expansive in terms of sound stage, and slightly more 3D and colorful. That trickiness of this fuse is that it adds a significant amount of treble response (though not harsh at all) and in an amp you end with a sort of "V" or "U" shaped response with emphasized treble and sub bass, but the midrange and mid-bass a bit scooped out. It makes sense that this pairs with the SR Purple which seem the opposite to me, tons of midrange and mid-bass.

It also makes sense that these fuses would be meant for sources given their tonal profile. Most people will want a thicker sound from their amps, and for those who find the Purple to be too thick, a Master Fuse upstream may balance it out.

I’m going to try and see if replacing the other fuse in my HM1 with a Purple will result in more tonal balance. That will determine if the combo will be a replacement for the M1 pair, or just an interesting alternate.

There is one area that the SR fuses are really ahead of the Audio Magic ones, adding an SR fuse is like adding a subwoofer, the amount of punchy and raw sub bass. Despite the treble focus the Master still has amazing sub bass.

Got my Master Fuse today. Installed in my new Bryston 14B3 cubed. I am not exaggerating the music is four feet off my Magnepan 1.7i panels in the most holographic experience of sound I’ve ever experienced. There was literally zero of that before installing this Master Fuse.

When I first saw the launch of this fuse I was honestly offended by the price. I take it all back, it is worth the $600.

After 9 hours of listening to the Master Fuse it can only be described as a transportation into another and much higher dimension of sound. I couldn’t even exaggerate what I’ve experienced tonight. Instrument separation is so separated it’s like it’s own concert for each instrument. I thought I knew holographic imaging, before tonight I did not. This is nothing short of life changing and remarkable. The sound signature of my system has been transported into the 7th heaven. By far the single biggest upgrade in sonic performance of any piece of equipment, but I don’t think it’d be so dramatic if the rest of my system wasn’t perfected. I have 3 purples in my Farad psu for my DAVE, AM M-1 in every other component. This is huge.


Forget what they say about not putting in your amps. It transports amps dimensionally to hear sound you could not imagine possible, that is an accurate description.

Brandon hifi,

  That is interesting you put the master fuse in your amp. I am considering one for either my phono stage or possibly my pre amp. I have no streamer or dac.

  I was a little reluctant at putting a master fuse in my pre amp due to reading the preferred equipment to put it into on the sr site. 

  I  can get both a purple and a master and switch each between the pre amp and phono stage to see what gives the best effect. Good on you putting it in your amp.