New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.


Just got in a master fuse to replace the purple in my CD transport. Love what I am hearing right off the bat! We’ll see how break in goes, but, so far, I think Rick Becker is right on the money in his review:

Especially if your system is already decked out with SR purples, I think it’s a no brainer to try a master in a front end component.


I’m sure many of you have experienced times when your system tells you exactly why you have invested so much time, effort and money in it. Listening today is one of those times for me😁

I now have over 200 hours on the Master Fuse in my CD transport, and am extremely happy with where it has arrived. Even though I can clearly hear it with my own ears, it is still a little hard to wrap my brain around the fact that a “mere fuse” can make this much difference. Yes, it is pricey for a “mere fuse”, but well worth it to me, in my system. If I had spent five times its price on a new component, and got these kind of sonic results, I’d be very pleased.


There definitely seems to be a synergistic (pun intended) thing going on between the Master fuse and the other purple fuses in my system. I can’t say for sure that this also applies to orange, blue etc., but, if you already have two, or more, SR fuses in your system, and like what they do, I would urge you to, as Rick Becker says in his review, take a leap of faith and give the Master Fuse a try.

Even so, I would like to hear, who has tried, the effect of SR Purple on the power conditioner.  In my case it's PS Power Plant - 3. I already have Purple in my Auralic Vega G2 network player and I'm very happy with how it improved the sound. 

And what will be the impact on Power Conditioner?