New tube amp for ML Prodigy CAT, VTL, ARC????

I am thinking of moving on from my ARC VT200 to another tube amp. Can anyone offer advise here? Some that I am considering are the BAT VK150, VTL 450's, CAT JL2, or maybe if I stretch a used pair of ARC Ref300's. I would love to include the Lamm ML1.1 (90 watts??) or the Nagra VPA's but am afraid they wouldn't drive my speakers very well.

Can anyone compare any of the above amps with what I am currently using to give some insight as to what might be gained with such a move? Should I just stand pat, as I think the VT200 sounds pretty darn good? Or, would there be a tremendous jump in performance? I would prefer to stay all balanced but am very limited when I add this into the mix. I like all kinds of music including loud R&R from time to time.

BTW, reliability and a company's track record are considerations.

Thanks for your help

Have you considered a pair of VAC Standard 220 monoblocks?
They are powerful and utilize (4) KT 88 output tubes. I have a pair running with balanced inputs and they seem to pack a powerful punch. They also have taps for low impedence loads and adjustable negative feedback controls.

Just one thought to add to your list.

Are you using a sub with the Prodigys or are you able to get sufficient bass response?

Thanks for the input. For some reason VAC amps are not really on my radar. I don't know much about them or thier "house" sound. Do you have any idea on how they might compare to my ARC? They are relative bargains compared to some of the other offerings though. To answer your question.......... I have tons of bass from my Prodigy's and had to buy some bass traps to tame it down a little. I think my speakers are probably a bit too big for my room but they sure sound good.
If possible the Cats will be quite a nice treat. Great base control and just super mids and liquid highs. I feel the Cats are more romantic than the arc amps. If your looking to spend the money do yourself a favor.