New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
I wouldn't touch a Von Scheikert product with a 10ft pole.

Von Schweikert has to keep on using gimmicks to stay in business. They have no dealers, and no industry support.

One tack they tried was over pricing most of their products and then offered ridiculous deals to get people to purchase them.

There are so many superior products available from real companies, Von Schweikert has been out of buesiness twice allready!

I owned VR 4JR decent speaker but nothing special.
Let's see. The question was if anyone had heard the VSA VR 33 and Audiofreakgeek's answer was a rant on why you shouldn't buy anything from Von Schweikert! What the hell is that?? Why in the world would you post that? You must have some special axe to grind. What is your personal beef with the company? There are many satisfied owners of Von Schweikert speakers, including myself. Must you pounce on the OP with your personal issue? Did you have a financial interest with VSA? Is it a crime to go out of business, particularly when the first time was due to a flood? Get off it. If you can answer the question, do so, or be quiet!
Wow! I can't get over audiogeekfreak's bashing on VSA.
I have the VR-33's and I love them. The amount of sound these speakers reproduce and the clarity throughout the entire frequency response is amazing. My wife loves the cloth wrap and the high gloss black caps. We don't have alot of space in our living room, so I have the VR-33's just a few inches from the wall and the bass response is smooth and tight. The price was great. It would of cost me 3 to 4 times as much to find a comparable speaker. I highly recommend this speaker for anyone who appreciates high quality sound.
You'll note audiofreakgeek is registered as a commercial user.

Can you say agenda?

How about it geek? Time to geek up.