New vs Used - Significant sonic improvements in preamp/amp design in the last 20 years?

I've read many opinions that preamp and amp technology has been mature for many years. Assuming a preamp or amp was rated “Class A”, designed/built well and can still be easily repaired or modified, is there a significant sonic benefit to purchasing new equipment vs well cared for equipment that is 10-20 years old? I’m specifically asking only about preamps and amps (tube based and SS).

If there has been significant sonic improvements over the past 20 years, what design improvement attributed to that change and what are the sonic benefits?
We developed and patented a means of direct-coupling a balanced output. We use it in our tube preamps, the first of which were built in 1989. It was the world's first balanced line preamp for home use.
You can still find the older ones used but they don't turn up all that often (we can update older units and reactivate the warranty). But recently we had one come through the shop that was the 3rd ever built. With some minor work to deal with the age of the unit (new filter caps and the like) it tested out very well and I would without hesitation put it up against much of today's preamps and not only expect it to keep up but surpass many of them.
Some older designs, like the H/K Citation 1, are so well done that if properly refurbished they easily keep up with many modern designs. That is part of why Citation 1s hold up their value!

One thing that seems to have improved is coupling capacitors. Its a lot easier to get Teflon parts now than it was 25 years ago, and the newer parts measure and perform better. Resistors have seen improvement too on the bottom end- cheap resistors are a lot better now than 25 years ago. Expensive resistors not so much. We option with Caddock resistors (which are custom built for us) and so far have yet to see anything surpass them (please note that Caddock makes a number of different parts that are intended for different applications, so my statement applies to a certain model).

Its easier to find some tubes now than 25 years ago, for example 6SN7s are in production now while 30 years ago they were not. Filter capacitors IME are not as good as they used to be. The proliferation of inexpensive Chinese parts has seen to that. However, good quality Chinese parts can be quite good, but if you want better you still have to get something else.
Thank you for your perspective. I've been a long-time fan of Atma Sphere. The products have always had a reputation for being extremely well designed with great sonics. 
I'd say it depends on what you need in a piece of equipment. I'd put my 20+ year old Rowland Model 2 power amp, and 50 year old Marantz 7t pre-amp up against more modern designs for sonic enjoyment.

That said, there are some amazing products out today that just wouldn't haven't been possible back then. Companies like Lyngdorf appear to have few detractors when it comes to sound quality, flexibility and packaging ( in the product sense). 
Yes Sir - We option with Caddock resistors (which are custom built for us) and so far have yet to see anything surpass them (please note that Caddock makes a number of different parts that are intended for different applications, so my statement applies to a certain model).

Most designs have not changed that much.  It is not IMO that old versus new but design versus design.  What I mean is for example Counterpoint which I repair and upgrade had 6 or more preamp designs so upgrading the basic preamp versus the top of the line models have benefits but it is not until you modify the lower end models to make the design change to be more like the higher end models do they begin to sound the same.  Even the higher end Counterpoint preamps used a $7.00 volume control.  But like stated above, replacing the older caps and resistors can make big sonic improvements for not much ching.

I would say that most any component can be repaired or modified unless the parts cannot be source but even then there may also be some workarounds to repair them - cost may be the overall limiting factor.

I would put my old Lafayette KT-550 tube power amp up against most any amplifier and probably still be competitive in stock mode.

Happy Listening.
I appreciate the replies and helps validate what I’ve heard in my and other systems. The point about "design vs design" is key. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and technical experience.  I also want to learn more about systems like Lyngdorf.