Newbie balanced cable help

I've never had balanced equipment before, so I'm in new territory here. My source is an ARC CD3 MkII into an ARC Ref2 MkII into a single-ended amp (for now). I am planning on upgrading my amp.

Without spending zillions on cables right now, what are some good entry- to mid-level cables that I can try out with this gear to get a feel for the sound and what kinds of improvements cables can make with this gear.

I'd also be open to recommendations on power cords for these 2 components if anyone has experience. Speakers are Thiel 2.4s. Thanks for any responses.
try Acoustic Zen Silver Ref MkII from CD3 to Ref and then Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref MkII from Ref to amp. Acoustic Zen Hologram II is a VERY nice speaker cable. All these are priced pretty good on the used market and if you don't like what you hear(I kind of doubt it) you can always sell without loosing money. As far as the power cord for CD3, I read a review of this player where reviewer had to go up to Shunyata Anaconda VX to get improvement over stock cord, so it's up to you to spend this kind of dough on PC but I wouldn't do it. In the very same review it's mentioned that CD3 sounds better balanced, so you're ona right path I think.
Any cable from a guitar or music store will do. Yorkville for example. I would not worry about the cables too much. They will be connecting to very high impedance loads and will be carrying very little is hard to justify spending a lot on XLR cables. A good shield and a good solid connector is about all you can ask for.
Thanks for the replies. I probably shouldn't have said "mid-level", because I guess I'm not really ready to do $100's on AQ or AZ cables (Thanks for taking the time, Zargon and Audphile1). I just pulled the trigger on the Ref2 so I'm still breathing hard (first big time piece for me); cable costs are gonna have to be kinda basic for a while.

Shadorne, that sounds like a pretty good solution, I'll look into it. Thanks.

Tripper, is that your website? That looks pretty good, too. Thanks.
Lrdmax, catch your breath and enjoy your ARC stuff. ARC is one of the best. Should be fun!!!! Anyway how much were you going to spend on cables now?
Audphile1, I just don't know. Like I said, I'm new to balanced electronics. I know I can go get basic RCA cables at Best Buy. I'm not sure what a comparable level of balanced cable is or what it would cost. I've had some people tell me that the quality of balanced cable is less important than the quality of RCA cables.

Also, my system is changing and I'm rearranging where components are going based on a remodel that I'm doing. So I'm not sure what the physical distances are going to be between components. That CD3 is a top-loader, so that and the turntable are going to be separated on their own shelves.

Bottom line, I don't want to spend a couple hundred bucks on cable and then in a few months find out that I made them too short. To answer your question, whatever "basic" is, that's what I'm going to spend. Shadorne (above) had a good idea. Tripper's suggestion of also is worth checking out. Thanks.