Newbie, looking for giant killer front end

gentlemen, looking for giant killer analogue
front end, ie; can a $3000 system slay the
mega buck systems???

I would appreciate recomendations.

Best regards, Jim Charron
I want to second the motion made by Natnic. Check out he Well Tempered Tables. I have been familiar with them and followed their evolution ever since Bill Firebough first introduced the arm in the early 80s at Vegas CES and I mounted them on VPIs. I have heard most of the line and have a Reference model with a Grado around the house, as well as my belt-drive Rockport. The Well Tempered needs make no apologies for itself, especially at its price. If you buy a used one, Transparent can ship you new fluids, so ask the seller to drain and clean before shipping. They are great folks to deal with. Good luck!
Rega P9 if you can forget the VTA stuff. Comes with a great arm that you know is properly installed. Add a good cart, install it on a well levelled wall shelf and forget all the twiddling. Has all the finesse and punch you will ever need. If you want something big and more like a Cadillac, go for a VPI, I guess.
Hi Jim,

Do you already have a phono stage? If so, what is it?

No one can recommend a cartridge without knowing that, and no one can recommend an arm without knowing the cartridge. System synergy is even more critical in a vinyl front end than in electronics.
