Newbie looking for system suggestions

Category: Amplifiers

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I just got a Xmas bonus, and am looking to spend it on a hi-fi 2.1 channel system -- starting from scratch!!! If you had around $6-8 thousand to spend, how would you do it? It will be for a 20x 24 room, carpeted, with cathedral ceilings (15 ft high). I mostly listen to vocal jazz, blues, rock, but often get a classical hair and have some very good orchestra + piano recordings.

Again, sorry such a basic question -- I have been doing a lot of reading, but I am still completely overwhelmed and looking for some suggestions to audition!!

If you're just starting out I'd target good-named used equipment you can turnover with little loss of investment. That way you can get your feet wet, see what you like and dislike, and adjust from there. Understand that listening to equipment at a dealer's place is just a first-brush sorting exercise as things will sound different once you get home. You won't really know where you stand with a system until you live with it for a while.

Off the top of my head:
>Tube Audio Design 150 Signature preamp ($650-750 used & not much more new)
>McCormack 225 amp ($1400-1700 used)
>Vandersteen 3a Signatures (maybe $2200-2500 used)
>source & cabling of your choice

Do some a-gon research on any of these pieces. You'll be hard-pressed to find anything less than positive comments.
Thank you for all of you responses!! I have actually registered on this site now, and have been doing a LOT of reading. Today, I went out on my first audition to a high-end specialty shop and auditioned:

Exposure 2010 integrated
Exposure 2010 CD
Verity Taminos speakers

The combination sounded fantastic to me, but then again -- my ears are accustomed to older Denon/Klipsch gear in an improperly set up room. The total would be around $8k all included -- wondering what you folks have to say about this setup, and whether or not you would recommend something else in particular to one of the above items!!

Thanks again!!!
By the way, the exposure gear completely blew away Arcam and a Rotel that I had listened to previously (the 1070)
I would personally avoid the Bryston stuff. While I think it is good, I think there are much better alternatives with more air, soundstage, detail, and transparency for the money. Unless you are prepared to go to an amp like Levinson or Boulder, I think the Ayre amps are tough to beat in the solid state arena. I have done A/B comparisons with Ayre vs Bryston time over time on very different systems and my friends and I can always tell which sounds better to us and it's always the Ayre. I would recommend the following for your budget...

Vandersteen 3A Signature speakers ($2200)
Arcam FMJ CD 33 ($1500)
Ayre V-3 ($1100)
Ayre K-5X preamp ($2100)
Speaker wire ($1100)(maybe synergistic or signalcable or some cheaper transparent stuff)

Only use magazines and reviews as a rough guide. I have found, for instance, that some of the components listed as class A in Stereophile are of vastly different sound quality.