Newer Blues Artists or Recordings

Any suggestions for new’ish blues artists and/or recordings you have discovered and enjoyed over the past few years? Please include all types of blues music and artists - traditional blues, southern rock/blues (e.g., Allman Bros., etc.), blues/soul, slower blues (i.e., good for background music while working), and cross-overs such as blues recordings by well-known rock or popular artists such as Boz Scaggs, Robin Trower, Eric Clapton, and others. Let’s help each other discover new blues music.

I will start with a couple of newer, young artists that I enjoy...

  • Marcus King (try, Carolina Confessions or El Dorado)
  • Christone "Kingfish" Ingram (try, Live in London)





The 2016 release by Muddy Magnolias / Broken People is a winner in any genre. I would consider it bluesy. The harmonies are gorgeous.

There was a band out of Atlanta named King Johnson that put our several very good bluesy albums.  The guitar player for the band was Oliver Wood, is the brother of bass player Chris Wood of Medeski, Martin and Wood.  The two them formed new less bluesy banded named the Wood Brothers.

Oliver wrote around half songs of King Johnson while their bass player, Chris Long, wrote the balance.  The band put out some great albums and were huge fun live.

They did a reunion show in Atlanta this past December.


Check out their albums: Hot, Fish, Laundry, Mat; and Luck So Strange; and Cats and Dogs.

+ whiteknee

Hot Tuna never fails.  Jorma has some new music out (The River Flows) with John Hurlbut that showcase some amazing playing !  

Apologies if this blues man is well known to all you blues lovers, but recently I've discovered Marquise Knox, born in 1991 and released his first album, Man Child, at age 19. Thanks for starting this thread, look forward to sampling some of these artists.