@richdirector I have it connected via optical right now and the passthrough is enabled so that the internal DAC in the Node 2i is bypassed. My MyTek Liberty DAC is MQA-certified. Regardless, I have read elsewhere that the Note 2i will still only pass through at 96khz.
@paulcreed Thanks for the suggestions.
@snackeyp Thanks for the suggestions, although I struggle to believe that the streamer is the single, next-best, upgrade versus the Pre-amp. As of now, all the Node 2i does is act as a digital source, it is not doing the digital-to-analog conversion.
@paulcreed Thanks for the suggestions.
@snackeyp Thanks for the suggestions, although I struggle to believe that the streamer is the single, next-best, upgrade versus the Pre-amp. As of now, all the Node 2i does is act as a digital source, it is not doing the digital-to-analog conversion.