Next Phonostage

I'm contemplating a new Phonostage to replace my Rowland Cadence. One of the driving factors is wanting multiple inputs for multiple tonearms.

My system is currently: TW-Acustic Raven AC-1/TW10.5 tonearm/Dynavector XV-1s cart with Rowland Synergy IIi preamp, Rowland 302 power amp and Avalon Acoustics Eidolon Diamond loudspeakers.

My listening tastes are everything except rap/hip-hop. Probably 50% rock/pop, 40% Jazz and 10% Classical.

My audio characteristics preferences I value include really black backgrounds, air around images, extension and musicality. Dynamics are also a plus.

My contenders are currently:

Audio Research Ref 2 SE Phono - rave reviews, most say this gives you best attributes of solid state and tube sound combined, might be a natural transition into tubes for me

Thoress Phono Enhancer - also known as TW Acustic Phonostage; might mate well with my analog front end, flexibility in dialing in bass, mids, highs, customizable sound

Manley Steelhead - heard this in a friend's system, very nice sound, very flexible, did hear a it of tube noise

Can anyone who owns one of these phonostages or has listening experience with them give me some input and advice on what would work best with my system?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations from the audiogon community.
For a dedicated phono stage that is on par with the Steelhead sonically at far less cost, I highly recommend the Manley Chinook. It has dynamics and speed, extension and is VERY QUIET. This is the finest and most satisfying phono stage I have owned to date, including my Aesthetix Rhea.
Thanks for the info Steve. I like the Steelhead flexibility. Does the Chinook have multiple inputs?

I plan on eventually upgrading my preamp from a Rowland Synergy IIi to a Rowland Corus and eventually 302 amp to a Rowland 625 or the 725 monos. I wish Rowland made a stand alone phono stage like they did with the Cadence. Maybe someday, but I have a growing interest for some tubes in the analog chain, but the maintenance and my desire for black backgrounds like solid state make me a bit hesitant.
I also had a Rhea and was considering updating it to the Signature version when the dealer convinced me to spend a little more and get the Steelhead. I am glad he did. This product has a lot of flexibility and you can dial in the gain, input transformer impedance, and capacitance to maximize the sound. I was even able to use it as a preamp while my regular preamp was being repaired. Moreover, you can roll tubes and the unit responds well to different tubes. I hear very little noise so perhaps the one you heard had tube or grounding issues. I am sure there are better phono stages but you will probably have to pay significantly more than the price of the Steelhead to get one.
Another vote here for the Steelhead. Got one a couple of weeks ago, and the flexibility is amazing and sound without reproach. Havent got close to reaching its limits yet. No noise.