Next upgrade options

Hello all,

So, I have invested quite a bit and reached this audio chain (listed below). I also upgraded power cables, interconnects and speaker cables. So far, I am pretty happy and found noticeable difference with every step of the way.

I am seeking advise/opinion from fellow audiophiles on what can be the next upgrade.. I am seeking more body, fullness and perhaps a little more analog sound.

Option 1 - speakers (not sure what . I love bookshelf)

Option 2 - separates on Amp ( perhaps Gryphon or M10x with a pre-amp)


Chain -

Aurender N20 --> DCS Rossini DAC + master Clock --> Luxman 509z --> b&W 805D4 + dual Rel s510


I love and hate this hobby .. 


I understand your desire. it is clear that you have made careful choices of compatible equipment that have delivered the excellent sound you are getting. Each of your components are tuned to be on the lean side. From your description of the way forward seems to play towards the sound qualities I strive for.

I had a very high end system that delivered great detail and dynamics, not unlike yours. One day I upgraded my headphone system with a high powered 300B tubed head amp. I was blown away. It sounded so great, so musical, natural and powerful I wanted more so I went to my main system and turned it on. My face turned red with disappointment… it was lean and flat, nothing like the beautiful rich sonic quality of my headphone system. It had little music or midrange in it. That began a complete system upgrade. You can see my systems under my user ID. Both systems are very musical and natural with great midrange bloom. I have to drag myself away each day… and I often listen for two or three hours. 

Your Aurrender is great… a keeper. The dCs and Luxman are both very lean components the are low on mid-range bloom and rhythm and pace. If I were you I would start by swapping out the integrated amp with an Audio Research LS28se and VSI 80. If you are not open to tube amps… still get the Audio Research LS28SE and look at a Pass XA amp. Then swap either the speakers for Sonus Faber or the dCS for a warmer more natural DAC.

Lots of possible solutions are possible.


Sell the amp & speakers...
 Get some Sonus Faber,Spendor or Harbeth speakers and a Class A amplifier...

Just guessing here, but the first thing I would try is new speakers. I've read a number of comments about some B&W being bright.  You could maybe raise the crossover frequency on your subs, but that won't fix the brightness. 

I'm running Von Schweikert Endeavor RE speakers with a pair of REL S/510 subs.

A tube preamp would perhaps help, but I don't think that's the best solution in your case. 

@saurabhgarg B&Ws do midrange really well. They also throw a very nice soundstage. My recommendation would be to change the amp. Your Luxman us very nice but you probably need something fuller and warmer without accentuating the top end. If you decide to go the route of separates, Pass Labs X250.8 with Audio Research tube preamp would be a good combination. You can also do all tubes and get ARC separates. Depending how much you want to spend you can try a used Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated. New Simaudio Moon North series is supposed to be excellent, there’s also a new ARC integrated amp.