no excitement from my Cambridge 840 cd

Purchased a Cambridge 840 anticipating a whole new ball game with my NuForce amps. Bottom line: I get more sound, notes I never heard before ......... but at the expense of soundstage, depth, the bloom that comes from very good setups.
Current system:

Cambridge 840 cd
Zu Audio Varial balanced i/c's
Adcom 750 preamp
NuForce balanced i/c's
NuForce 8.5 v2 amps
NuForce speaker cable
PSB Stratus gold-i speakers

Here's the kicker: I've been using a Sony CDP 555es, cd changer. The sound is gloriously deep, a wide stage with notes that bloom out of nowhere. A deep silence.
On this the i/c is a Mapleshade original (thin wire) i/c.
Now, I've tried mixing and matching: putting the Mapleshade's between the Cambridge and Adcom, but nothing comes close to that sound I get from my old Sony es changer.
Shall I sell the Cambridge player or try different i/c's ?
Celtic 66 - The unit is preowned and had minimum 200 hours on it with the original owner. That was my first "hope" ...maybe it needs more time. Thanks - BTW the Oppo 83SE intrigues me especially because NuForce is doing mods to that unit. $1250 for their modded oppo.
Maybre you can tell - I'm a NuForce kinda guy - the NuForce amps are unlike anything I ever heard before. They are not just "better than"......... they are a revolution.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this similar situation. In the mid '90's I was going 'crazy' improving my digital. I brought home 4 different dacs; 1 a week ---none did much for me till I brought home a Theta 5.--(The other 4 were each in the same price range as the Gen 5.)
Lwood: the 840 actually uses dual AD1955 dac chips, not Wolfson. Most of the lower Cambridge players, including the DacMagic, use Wolfson dacs.
I owned the 840c for awhile as well, and i
didn't like it all that much either.I put
about 250 hours on it,and it still sounded
very digital to me.Don't get the big fuss
being made over it.I think it's a wee bit
I replaced a Cam 840C with a NAD M5 in one system and I thought the NAD smoked the CAM 840C. I actually tried the thing two different times! I thought maybe I had a bad one or something. Great detail but digititus to the MAX!

Is digititus a word?

Find a used Meridian G 08, any Esoteric used or get some cool tubes for a Raysonic CD-128. You will never look back.