No one cares this is the anniversary?

I kept thinking all day that someone else would do this.

There was a lot of blood left on the beaches in France this day 60 years ago so Europe would be free from oppression.

There was a special this morning on History Channel, where one survivor, barely 17 years old that day tearfully described his fallen comrades and his realization that he narrowly escaped death.

We owe these soldiers, living and dead, a debt of gratitude.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Albert, thank you. My father served in the Pacific during WWII. I will always remember that. On a side note I also remember Ronald Reagan in 1984 giving his Memorial over in Normandy on June 6th, the 40th anniversy of D-Day. In it he stated, we will not forget. A great man died on the 60th anniverary of D-Day. We will not forget.

Thank you for starting this thread. Maybe I'm ignorant, but perhaps one day we will come to value the lives of others as equal to our own. Until then, I'm afraid we'll be making heroes of the dead. Until then, we will honor those who died for our righteousness instead of honoring life itself. Sorry, but as I said, maybe I'm just ignorant about all this. All this killing and its subsequent justification simply makes no sense to me.
Having seen the doc."Blood On The Snow" one sees it as the bloodiest and longest battle ever. As the doc. tells it Stalin gave orders to shoot those Russians soldiers that were retreating--along with a similar fate for their families.---Another doc. says part of why we dropped the H-bombs on Japan was to prove we had the bomb,and to intimidate the Russians.
Man's inhumanity to his fellow man is unprecedented.
Leaders make war. Their men and boys pay the price.
-----But a least we know why we had to send our young there. -----We are still the hated nation for much of our foreign policy. I think we (the nation) got bamboozled re. Iran.---How would we have felt about outside interference for our Revolutionary war??---- Which some say was more about commerce than slavery;at least to begin with.--(Didn't want the South exporting their cotton,on their own,without the Fed.getting their tax.)
To the families whom gave their sons, brothers, husbands,we owe a profound thanks which does not even scratch the surface.
The pre-Islmaic government of Iran was brutal toward disenters and anti-government activists. The post (and current) Islamic government is the same, most likely even more so, but has the added benefit of spreading their vision of revolution around the world. Let's not forget the hundreds and probably thousands of women who were slashed and hatcheted to death in the streets of Tehran in the early days of the revolution. This was for the unforgivable crime of protesting in the streets. Why were they protecting? The complete loss of freedoms suffered by all women under the new regime. Islamic men took to the streets and made sure that sort of behavior did not occur again. As we speak there are a large number of terrorist training camps operating in complete freedom in Iran.

Remember the "open" elections Iran promised to hold a year or so ago? Dozens of candidates filed for the ballot, the mullahs reviewed lists, removed anyone they didn't like (not Muslim enough), and the election was between 2-3 hard line Islamists. Just like our Revolution, eh? Oh, by the way, slavery is still being practiced openly throughout much of the Middle East. For decades after we (and other evil Western countries especially Great Britain) had fought many bloody battles to end slavery, the Middle East was still openly and legally practicing this barbaric horror. Went on well into the 1920s.

A co-worker of mine married an Iranian women in 1985. She had escaped the terror that is Iran, however, her brother remained behind and was actually a member of the "Revolutionary Islamic Party". As such, he was duty bound to avenge his sister's "dishonor" and sent sister letter demanding her return. When she refused, he attempted to come to America to do the right thing, which was to kill sister and her new husband, my friend. The feds came to out office, arranged for my friend to get a concealed weapons carry permit and finally stopped this terrorist at the Canadian border. He was sent back to Iran where he vowed to come back as soon as possible to finish the job. My friend and wife had to move out of state for protection where she soon divorced him to save his life.

Avguygeorge, the time for self hatred is long past. There are enough terrorists in the world who hate us for simply being alive. The main mosque in England (as reported in the Detroit Free Press) has a sign up that says, "Islam and the word of Allah will one day rule the world".
With the little I know;I'm of the opinion we shouldn't be envading a country to choose its politics for it. You can't invade a country and un- brain wash its people.Altho history says most of the world powers try,or have tried.
When the slaughter was going on in Rowanda,were we there??? NO. I think the reason was "they had no valuable ressources",is the reason.
Man is just the worst of the animals.---Go back as far as you like; it's always been the strong dominating the weak.
I'm sure just because I've watched a few documentaries, doesn't mean I don't have much to learn.
Most of our news is spoon-fed from the big business owned media.---We can't get the correct story on what goes on here.(Waco/Ruby Ridge);let alone World News.
Re; Mr.Regan---to me his highlights---"We didn't trade arms for hostages" (Nixon esque) and we didn't let the hostages stay in captivity an extra period of time---so as to time their release to the upcoming elections.??