Noise from Rega P3/RB300/Dynavector DV20X-L

I just replaced my Rega Bias MM Cartridge with Dynavector DV20X-L (MC), and now I have to turn the volume quite high (around 1 o'clock - I think this could be due to the .25mV output of the DV20X-L) in order to get to my normal listening level. When I do this, there is an audible background noise interfering with the music which wasn't there when I use the Rega Bias or the CD Player (Rega Planet).
Appreciate if someone can point out what can possibly cause the noise and what I should do.
My setup is Rega P3/RB300 -> ROTEL RQ-970BX -> AUDIO NOTE M2 -> PASS LABS ALEPH 3.
you need the dv20x-H. the bias is a moving magnet cart with a high output, and your phono pre is expecting a stronger signal. the dv20x-l is a low-output moving coil cartridge, but the dv20x-H is meant to be of much higher output, so that it'll run properly in a normal MM phono pre.

H is for high
L is for low

or you could get an mc phono stage.
I think you are also running into an impedance mis-match there. The MM phono section probably wants a 47K Ohm load (which the 20 XH has), and the 20 XL is only 30 (NOT K!) ohms. Makes quite a difference in response & dynamics. Probably accentuates the noise floor as well as damping the dynamics.
Swap the cartridge if you can, or pick up an MC phono section & run it into a line-level input.
Good luck!
Thank you for all your responses. Forgot to mention that the Rotel RQ-970BX has a switch for both MM and MC. Its MC specs is .21mV / 100 Ohm. I am not quite clear on this - will it be a big mismatch if the DV20X-L spec is 30 Ohm but the phono pre is 100 Ohm?

I am thinking of replacing it with either the EAR 834P or Michel Trichord Delphini. Appreciate advise or share your experience.