Noisy amps. preamp? AES / Cary

I just purchased AES / Cary Sixpac and the AE-3 DJH preamp. In short, incrediable sounding! I also just ran a dedicated line that both sixpacs are running off. I am hearing noise when using the remote control of the preamp. I also hear noise when using my TV's remote when there is no music playing. Also, I hear a slight pop when I turn the light on in my listening area. Any ideas what the casue is? Thanks.
No youre dedicated line doesn't need to break in. Maybe the wire wasn't cryo treated?
Need to know more about your service panel. How you went about the installation. What other devices are being fed, etc.etc..etc...
The dedicated has its own circuit breaker. It was fed through the attic, down the wall and a hospital grade outlet was installed. Only my two mono bloc tube amps are on it. A professional did the work. The wire is not cryo treated.
I would think that the issue is that your preamp is not on the dedicated circuit. What circuit is it sharing ? I found that my pre and amps need to be on the same dedicated circuit.
I was joking about the cryo part. A professional? He may know how to run the wire safely, but he doesn't know squat about audio needs.