Noisy Motor In My Trusty Logic DM101

I purchased a Logic DM101 table dirt cheap a few year ago and found it absolutely trounced on my Rega 2 with motor upgrade. I think this is a decent quality table with easy to set up suspension and a nice thick heavy plinth and platter. My modded RB300 seems to be a good match for this table that has performed quite nicely.

However lately I have noticed that the motor makes noise and despite it being mounted in the sub plinth I can't help but think it is affecting music play back.

The only replacement motor I can find is the Orgin Live one that seems kind of pricey. Id rather buy a new table then spend that that much on a motor.

Is there a cheaper alternative? can the motor be fixed or tweaked somehow? Would I be better off wating for it to die and then just start over?
Thanks for the advice Johnnantais i never even thought of that. I think your suggestions are worth trying
I had one of these Years ago - really nice table.
I am sure I recall seeing a uk company who did replacement motors - I will try & dig out the info & post.
Thanks Simon74 Any help with replacement parts, upgrades or tweaks you can think of would be greatly appreciated. I agree that this is a good table and worth spending a few dollars on - especially since I got it so cheap