Non-audio related question about forum linguo

Ok, this is completly non audio related, but i cannot find the answer to this ANYWHERE and it is driving me freaking MAD. Hopefully the moderators will bare with me and allow this thread and somone can put an end to my torture.

Forum/Teleconference Linguo.
BRB - Be Right Back
AFK - Away From Keyboard
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing.
JM2C - Just My 2 Cents
FWIW - For What Its Worth

See a pattern here?

Well... WHAT THE HELL IS "W00T"????

The Urban Dictionary defines this as an expression of joy and excitement.

How the HELL did they come up with this? Nobody can give me an answer. All of the other computer-shorthand makes some sence and is easy to figure out.

Does anyone know how the hell a "W", 2 Zero's, and a freaking "T" mean ANYTHING?

Help me! Please! This is driving me insane! Nobody can tell me! Im out of places to ask! It is really pissin me off!

Audiogon really is the ultimate pool of knowledge! Damn near everyone here is well educated... well.. some more than others, but that is besides the point! Can ANYONE here answer this riddle for me? Or will the Audiogon community actually get STUMPED on something????

-Goin mad-
it may be from this really stupid song that came out about 10 years ago - the refrain was "woot! there it is!". I can't remember the name of the artist except that (I think) it was a really large black guy.
in other words, it is just an exclamation, essentially meaningless.
Musicslug: the refrain was: "Whoops, there it is,...." etc etc. although I have to admit the pronounciation could have been better.....