Norah Jones - Tidal vs. Hi Res ?

Hi Everyone, 

I was going through my favorites list on Tidal when I clicked on Norah Jones "Not Too Late" album, which I happen to own in 96kHz/24. It did not sound nearly as good as I expected. 

Anyone else able to do this comparison? 


erik, I thought you were expecting an objective response not a subjective opinion thus my questions. This thread is otherwise pointless.  
Sorry @kalali I'm not trying to be a scientist right now. I'm just curious if anyone else had this experience. 
Since Not Too Late was released 2007, and Copy Controlled ended in 2006, it's right on the edge of possible. 
I'm not sure the dates or sampling rates from the spreadsheet I received are accurate, it seems that the dates are not.  Sorry for that.

I do have the "Come Away With Me" SACD and have compared that to the MQA version streamed from Tidal...and the SACD version (to me) sounds better.

Having said that, I come to the same opinion for other Tidal MQA content vs. the SACD versions I own.  Anne-Sophie Mutter's Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto is strikingly better (to my ears).