Nordost Frey 2; what should I expect?

Wondering if any Nordost users could describe what they hear with this speaker cable. Keeping system untouched except for the speaker cable so as to introduce no other variables. Was not able to demo so leap of faith. I particularly want opinions on the upper mids all the way up. 

Well after few weeks into the Frey 2 speaker cooking time I think they are great cables. Frankly I don’t know where the bright and thin comments come from. In particular the clarity with unexpected super smoothness will keep these here a very long time. Added two pairs of matching ic’s and hearing my best sound yet with some pretty nice components to include Revel, Bricasti, Agostino and Krell. Very beautiful sound IMO. I think these cables let you hear the quality of your components in a very musical way. FWIW

4425 the new model Nordost are really good, the Tyr are also good, when I heard them connected with the Technics at Axpona this year, I was so impressed, I end up buying Heimdall 2 speaker cable and ic, and the technic speakers, Iam looking to get used Shiva pc, no brightness or thin sound, on tubes they do well, what I like from Nordost stuff is the speed and clarity.if you want to know, how good is your system? This are the cables to try....
I'm very satisfied with the Frey 2 speaker cables in my system and my listening room and setup.  It was a big decision, financial and conceptual, to jump from a Red Dawn bi-wire to a Frey 2 shotgun (w jumpers), both 2 meters and banana plugs.  

Rest of my system are: 
- PrimaLuna Dialogue Two with KT-120 tubes 
- Proac Response 1SC on Atlantis stands filled with cat litter 
- Rel S/3 SHO subwoofer 
- VPI Classic TT, Soundsmith Zephr, SDS controller, Ring, 300 rpm motor
- Manley Chinook phono amp 
- Shunyata PS8 and power cords 
- SolidSteel rack 
- Wadia 121 DAC, 151 for iPad 
- Music Fidelity CDT 

Listening room is about 15.5 feet wide by 22 feet long, with chair placed at 16 feet mark.  Speakers are just under 3 feet from wall.  

Before the Frey 2, I'd categorize the sound to be how most would describe Nordost cables, fast, shimmering, wide open, but bottom shy.  Depending on listening material and source (vinyl or digital), often times I have to switch the PrimaLuna to triode mode to tame down shrill highs a bit.  Doing that means the bass will have even less punch.  So it's always a compromise.  That is why I got the Rel S/3 btw, to help restore some low end when I'm running in triode mode.  Even so, it still feel like a compromise.  

After much research online, I decided to stick with Nordost and give the Frey 2 a chance, hoping that it'll balance things out in my system, not lose the speed and openness, but add some strength to the bottom, and hopefully control the highs as well.  

Well, after 3 months, I'm happy to say that I've found the perfect balance in my system that I can live with for a long time to come, as long as the components can hold up.  

The Frey 2 basically removed the need for me to turn on the Rel sub, for almost all sources and listening volume.  The Frey 2 gives abundance of bass through the little Proacs.  I can even run the PrimaLuna in Ultralinear mode and the highs are totally acceptable.  The overall spectrum of music is so well integrated I can't find any fault or more wishes from it.

Janos Starker's Bach cello suite striking and powerful.  
The New Basement Tapes from T Bones sound steely.  
Civil Wars' voice and guitar no longer sound like nails on a blackboard.  
Norah Jones' Chasing Pirates is full of Impact.  
Diana Krall voice is sublime with full weight of the bass lines.  
Murray Peraphia's Bach Goldberg variations is no more just background music for work.  

Now I'm thinking of selling the Rel S/3 because I don't think I'll miss it.  

I tried Frey 2 speaker cables for a few months and immediately liked them. The transients, voices, sub bass are very striking. 

For my second rig, I tried solid copper cables and that time I realized how much I like frey 2. Bought a second pair. They are a sweet spot of price and performance 

I liked the Frey 2  very much. Eventually, I sold them, and went up to the Tyr 2. The Tremendous transparency and a great speed on transient. The upper base in middle base are good, but just a tiny bit lightweight. I should point out here that music actually sounds like itself, by which I mean, the tonal qualities of, say, flute, are spot on. Many cables that will not sound exactly like the instrument you’re listening to. For example, a Yamaha flute does not sound like a Yamaha flute with every cable I’ve heard over the years  in my system, but it does with the Nordost. Excellent imaging excellent Sound staging very good high frequencies, although the frequency range in the lower travel might be the tiniest bit bright. Other than that, it’s great.