Nordost Frey 2; what should I expect?

Wondering if any Nordost users could describe what they hear with this speaker cable. Keeping system untouched except for the speaker cable so as to introduce no other variables. Was not able to demo so leap of faith. I particularly want opinions on the upper mids all the way up. 


I tried Frey 2 speaker cables for a few months and immediately liked them. The transients, voices, sub bass are very striking. 

For my second rig, I tried solid copper cables and that time I realized how much I like frey 2. Bought a second pair. They are a sweet spot of price and performance 

I liked the Frey 2  very much. Eventually, I sold them, and went up to the Tyr 2. The Tremendous transparency and a great speed on transient. The upper base in middle base are good, but just a tiny bit lightweight. I should point out here that music actually sounds like itself, by which I mean, the tonal qualities of, say, flute, are spot on. Many cables that will not sound exactly like the instrument you’re listening to. For example, a Yamaha flute does not sound like a Yamaha flute with every cable I’ve heard over the years  in my system, but it does with the Nordost. Excellent imaging excellent Sound staging very good high frequencies, although the frequency range in the lower travel might be the tiniest bit bright. Other than that, it’s great.


Perhaps the people saying "bright" and "thin" were listening to a pair that weren’t fully broken in. Or, they didn’t know the system and they automatically blamed it on the Nordost. This happens a lot; people blaming   the new component when it is actually the case that the new component is less colored and shows problems that the older component was hiding/masking.

As you have now discovered, Nordost does have a long burn-in period. We knew this back in 1995, when Nordost’s SPM cable hit the market and it was noted in reviews that it was "bright" when first installed, but the brightness disappeared when the cables broke in fully.