They look great but everything sounds terrible with the new speakers and the new JC5.
They should sound good.
Both the new amp and speakers have about 30 hours on them. I dont think it is the speakers because I tried with a 8 year old A23 Parasound amp and they seems to sound a little better. So either things havent broken/burned in yet or I just got some bad equipment. I hear people tell me it takes 100s of hours, etc, but Im worried and dont expect that big of a change over time.
Yeah I hear that all the time…
But every piece of gear I have hooked up sounds pretty darn good right away.
This has been a bad experience for me and I feel like giving up on the audio hobby. $6k on speakers, $6k on an amp yet the acoustic panels on my Sony tv also sound just as good so Im confused.
Selling it all would be an option.
If it is not the speakers, then getting some amps to demo would be wise.
But it could be that the speakers… (Dunno)
It could also be something like wires reversed, or some issue with the crossovers.
You probably need a UMIK and REW or other way to measure things.
Or an experienced shop that can help.
Or disposing of it all.
The last thing you need now is a bunch of people saying you need thousands of dollars worth or power conditioning, or power cables, or multi k$ ICs and speaker cables.