Re grey market question. I think, for the most part, authorized dealers create the grey market by selling the product to an 'unauthorized' dealer w/o warranty obligations, in enuf volume to make up the difference in markup from the sale of one locally to the sale of many which would not impact on his local territory.
If this is so, and I think it is, the manufacturer could, if they wanted to, require the dealer to account for all sales. If they really wanted to. But why would the manufacturer really care. Where the product ends up doesn't affect their bottom line, at least to their disadventation. The only one who suffers is a legitimate dealer who loses a sale and the buyer who doesn't get a warranty. I've even heard of (and bought from) manufacturers who will sell product out the back door so long as its done in real green cash and no trail is created. Obviously w/out warranty.
If this is so, and I think it is, the manufacturer could, if they wanted to, require the dealer to account for all sales. If they really wanted to. But why would the manufacturer really care. Where the product ends up doesn't affect their bottom line, at least to their disadventation. The only one who suffers is a legitimate dealer who loses a sale and the buyer who doesn't get a warranty. I've even heard of (and bought from) manufacturers who will sell product out the back door so long as its done in real green cash and no trail is created. Obviously w/out warranty.