Now that there is a CJ ART II

Is there any news of perhaps revising the mini-Art a.k.a 16LS to a 16LS II?
How very much different is the 16LS from the 17LS?
Has anyone done any auditioning on the above pre-amps with the Jeff Rowland model 10 other than the safe and tested JRDG Synergy II?
Much appreciate your opinions and suggestion (before I put my $$$ down).
Hello, yes indeed there is! I own a 16LS myself, and I have spoken with Knut at CJ. The upgrade will involve a rebuild much like the one done to the original ART. Knut told me that the upgrade will make the 16LS the sonic egual of the original ART. CJ will not begin to offer the upgrade for awhile, at least not until most of the original ART's have been upgraded (probably the end of the year). The cost for the 16LS upgrade has not yet been established. I love my current 16LS. While there are many superb preamps out there, this one has been the most musically satisfying. I plan to upgrade my unit when that option becomes available. Happy Listening!
Interesting. At approx. same time frame via e-mail communication, Knut at CJ told me that there is no upgrade path. He sugggested that if I wanted to buy CJ 16LS, I should do it now rather than waiting for the MKII version.
Has CJ been known to do any upgrades to their gear at all
besides buying brand new an upgraded unit?