Nuprime st10 or nuforce sta200, or parasound a23

Hi, in thinking to upgrade my amp  a parasound zamp v3, it's powering a pair of paradigm signature s1v3, looking to improve depth, imaging and mid frequencies .
Despite of price differences, which one would you recommend?
Thanks four your advice
I have one. It's awesome. Based on the Job Goldmund 225. Great review in Absolute Sound. Which also compares it with the Nuprime. A23 was a good value 15 years ago. Not so much now 
Thank all of you for your replies! About the nuforce, does any of you have had a problem connecting spades on the left speaker post? It seems almost impossible because it's positioned  like in a hole.
Also the nuforce review compare very superficially but positively with the nuprime, can somebody confirm this similarities?
my cables have 1/4 inch spades and fit in fine, though I could see how larger spades might be a problem
About the mytek i also checked it, but I will be paying for futures that I will not use, it looks like a nice device though, but thanks for the advice
Audio Advisor is again selling the Nuforce STA200 for $499.  Purchase spade to banana plug adapters from monoprice (actually they call them Gold Plated Speaker Banana Plugs, Closed Screw Type) for about $5 for 5 pairs and less$ for 2 or 3 pairs and you are good to go.