NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


@cerrot You’re talking cr$p by unnecessarily exaggerating how ‘difficult’ it is.

I drove in from Northern NJ. Went to the Spot Hero website. Booked parking spot 1 block away from the audio show ($31 for 5 hours!). Listened to my favorite music and podcasts along the way. Because so many are working from home, reached the spot in 45 minutes of easy driving. The show was a 2 min walk from my parking spot.

I was born in East NY, Brooklyn and lived in the South Bronx. Tough areas don’t scare me. You’re lucky. You’re lucky you weren’t pulled from your car. The media is not showing it (except News Max - check it out). Pairs on scooters will rip your rolex (if you got one) right off your wrist. They have people just walking into restaurants and robbing everyone. This is happening in good areas - Bryant park, midtown, times square. I had to go into the city a few weeks ago (picked up a solution 725 - big day for me) but I would only go in on a Sunday before 10 am. Im just letting people know, as this is in the city, head on swivel! Be diligent. This is worse than it was in the 70s.  It used to be that you just worried walking from the parking lot to where you're going.  Now you have to worry about getting rammed while in your car and then robbed.  Just be careful.  

@cerrot You live in a sad, paranoid world and I truly feel sorry for you.  I went to the show yesterday, met some great people and heard some great music.  Also ate a delicious meal outside with some friends and enjoyed taking in the sights and sounds of the city.  What did you do — sit around watching News Max’s overly-biased reporting to further feed your paranoia?

@cerrot: Every day, thousands of bankers in fancy suits and fat wallets commute from my part of the world to NYC. In the evening, they go out 2-3 nights a week entertaining clients / meeting others at restaurants / bars till late. They all return home without incident - as do my wife and I. Have been doing so for months. As have commuters from Westchester County, and southern CT. We have family (cousins, nephews) who reside in Manhattan and enjoy it.

But I have no interest in weening you away from News Max or whatever you’re watching…

@cerrot you are fed massive lies by NewsMax but I could have told you that after you said you watch NewsMax. 0 facts support what you are believing.