NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


@cerrot I lived in NYC in the late 80s - early 90s and it’s much cleaner and safer now than it was then.  I don’t mean to pollute your brain with facts and you’re probably more in the “I see what I believe” camp anyway, but from 2000 to 2021 major crimes in NYC have decreased 44%.  Stick that in your NewsMax and smoke it.


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@cerrot That some major crimes are up over the past year doesn’t change the fact that they’re still significantly below where they were 22 years ago.  The fact is that of the 8+ million people who live in NYC plus who knows how many more millions visit every year, the percentage of crime victims is very low.  So while you peddle the falsehood that everyone in NYC is under attack by motor scooters or whatever, the fact and ultimate bottom line is that the likelihood of being a victim of a crime in NYC is small.  So you stay in your cocoon of NewsMax-induced paranoia and have your brand of “fun” while I go enjoy audio shows and everything else NYC has to offer and never been a victim of a crime, ever.  Fear mongering is not cool dude, so if u wanna play that game just play with yourself and your overblown assertions and leave the rest of us alone to enjoy our lives.  Again, I feel sorry for you in your sad and misguided world.