@williewonka What a simply elegant test. I will definitely try that. It may take some time due to work and social commitments-don't usually get home until after 7 p.m. I will let you know. Just curious-ifI don't see an improvement is that a plus or minus for cloud treatment? Also, I suspect you may be right about my complaint not being a reflection problem, btw. One consistently irritating song that partially prompted this post was Don Henley's "The Boys of Summer", the high end on the horn section, in particular. I placed a similar post on another thread and one response from another poster with a well treated room was that same passage was uncomfortable for him as well. It may be a recording issue. To be clear, this is a problem on only approximately 10-15% of my vinyl, but its always high frequency passages that are involved.
@jdub39 Can't really take the fan out, unfortunately. With the tubes and south Florida heat, the room can get uncomfortable. Had the AC guys out and they didn't think that adding additional ductwork would help. The thermostat controlling this area is in a different room. I can crank it down, but "hell freezes over" in other areas, so the fan is here to stay for better or worse. I do suspect I get some diffusion from its odd shape though. Thanks for the thought