BTW if newer OHm Walsh speakers do not sound "good" its not because of the parts or build quality. More likely a combo of the stuff upstream feeding them and room acoustics. OR something defective or damaged perhaps. Fact is I throw the kitchen sink at these power and current wise and they just go louder and louder with no sense of strain ever. Cheap speakers don’t do that. Cheap speakers will break up, compress or distort way before things get up to the really fun levels.
Even after all that, hey no product is for everyone. They still might not sound "right" but never have I seen any OHM Walshes be the first one on the team to cry uncle when things get tough. Less so in fact than pretty much any other speaker I own or have ever owned for that matter. I've never observed them to be the weak link in the chain. Throw the kitchen sink at them. Best thing you can do!
Even after all that, hey no product is for everyone. They still might not sound "right" but never have I seen any OHM Walshes be the first one on the team to cry uncle when things get tough. Less so in fact than pretty much any other speaker I own or have ever owned for that matter. I've never observed them to be the weak link in the chain. Throw the kitchen sink at them. Best thing you can do!