OL Silver vs SME 309

If you had a choise of these two arms for the same price, which would you opt for to go with a Michell Gyro SE?
I'm the owner of Michell and I use Incognito RB300. I opted for it since I already had RB300 unmodified from my previous TT. The sound is great but SME309 is more robust and adjustable. Very often precision matters more than rigidity. If I didn't have Rega arm I'd go for Willson Act.05 or Kuzma Stogi arms. They combine rigidity of Regas and adjustability of SME-s. BTW Kuzma/Michell is known to be one of the best TT/arm combos.
Thanks for your comments. I agree with TWL that the OL Silver looks pretty pedestrian - I might even say "cheap" looking. While it has gotten good reviews i am always skeptical of audio press hype unless someone can say they have actually done a comparison listening test of one vs he other. The OL silver looks like nothing but a tube on a hinge with no adjustment whatsoever. Maybe this works and is all that is really needed for good sound but considering the design, the $800 price actually seems high to me. You probably have $25 of "raw materials" in that arm. Has anyone done A/B comparisons?
All I can say is I wouldn't trade mine for an SME V or a Graham. They both(SME and Graham) however are more easily adjustable. The OL has the Rega-style VTA collar, and that is all the adjustment I ever needed. No doubt that they are better looking than the OL. I guess it comes down to whether you want to look at it or listen to it. I've lived with mine for a year now, and have no desire to even think about another arm.

If you want a cool-looking arm, take a look at Morch DP-6. That is a very cool looking arm, I think. It is around your price range too. Some folks really like that arm.

If you like the SME better, then go with that one. It is a good arm. Many things enter into the choices people make. You have to be happy overall with the purchase.
I own the "Silver" tonearm and must agree with Tom and Rockinroni,it just can't be beat for 800.00 or even much more,I am one very satisfied customer