OMG. What now?

After all the listening, the buying, the seeking, the reading, the tweaking, the testing, the critiquing, the latest trend, and the old forgotten mend… my system sounds wonderful - to me.

I’m enjoying the music without thinking about this thing, that thing, the worst thing, the next thing, the best thing… another thing. But I just know there’s something better!

That’s it. It’s the ultimate blessing or, dare I say it, the ultimate curse. I’ve reached the end of the audiophile’s dilemma. Or have I? What now? So,

1. I’m not using a preamp between my digital source and my amp. Both are outstanding, so do I really need one?

2. Where’s the best place to sell my used stuff?

3. What’s the most obvious “weak link” that’s holding my system back from a yet undiscovered audiophile music nirvana?

We all here suffer the same neuroses, so any help is appreciated.


Ag insider logo xs@2xideal8592

I’ve gotta say the biggest improvement in my system was the Auralic Altair G1. I’d never heard musical definition like that before.

That’s it. It’s the ultimate blessing or, dare I say it, the ultimate curse. I’ve reached the end of the audiophile’s dilemma. Or have I? What now?

just enjoy the moment(s)

1. I’m not using a preamp between my digital source and my amp. Both are outstanding, so do I really need one?

you don't need one

2. Where’s the best place to sell my used stuff?

us audiomart (it's free to sellers), audiogon attracts some different buyers, but there is a cost to sellers

3. What’s the most obvious “weak link” that’s holding my system back from a yet undiscovered audiophile music nirvana?

you haven't disclosed your system or your room, so no one can answer you