OMG. What now?

After all the listening, the buying, the seeking, the reading, the tweaking, the testing, the critiquing, the latest trend, and the old forgotten mend… my system sounds wonderful - to me.

I’m enjoying the music without thinking about this thing, that thing, the worst thing, the next thing, the best thing… another thing. But I just know there’s something better!

That’s it. It’s the ultimate blessing or, dare I say it, the ultimate curse. I’ve reached the end of the audiophile’s dilemma. Or have I? What now? So,

1. I’m not using a preamp between my digital source and my amp. Both are outstanding, so do I really need one?

2. Where’s the best place to sell my used stuff?

3. What’s the most obvious “weak link” that’s holding my system back from a yet undiscovered audiophile music nirvana?

We all here suffer the same neuroses, so any help is appreciated.


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@closenplay I'm not a psychologist. Just seemed like a commonsense observation drawn from other experiences.

to @hilde45 ’s comment

i would venture to say that for serious audiophiles, thoughtful and introspective about the pursuit, another added bonus of spending time maximizing musical enjoyment through system improvements very often leads one to think hard about, informally question, and learn about our own psychology, our perceptions, our biases, how we deal with happiness and negativity, etc etc

such awareness, learnings can then be applied to other aspects of our lives, for the better... 


Does your digital source have an analog volume control?

Often digital sources will lower the volume by modifying the signal, and some can hear a degradation in the music from this process.

If you run your digital source at maximum volume into a preamp with an analog volume control, you might hear an improvement.

I have a good middle of the road system with an Emotive preamp that has bluetooth for streaming Tidal, a Boxom Arthur Purifi 4215 driving KEF LS50 Metas and a KC62 sub. Right not it's a good enough setup to expose the next level of upgrades.... my room! There are bass hot spots that I can hear doing the subwoofer crawl so now I'm moving into room treatment. I can spend $$$ on gear but it's not really going to solve my room issues. 

I had alot of excitement when I took my preamp out of the audio chain and went from digital streamer to dac to amp. That was is an all solid state system. Then I bought a tube integrated amp in a second audio system and fell in luv with the tube sound. So I went back to my solid state system with DAC to amp and inserted a tube preamp. Again I luved the tube sound. Lastly I add dual servo subs to my Vandersteen speakers and again more audio nirvana....

There are two schools of thought for things vs tubes, digital vs analog, subs vs no-subs and so on. I don’t get caught up in those debates. I just try something and see if I like it.