'I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks... AND also have a built in dac. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage.'
Your are giving us a kind of a challenge. Eagledriver likes this 😉
As jastralfu says above, second hand Bluesound Vault or Innuos ZENmini. Also, you might consider Cocktail Audio X30 or X35.
Or as kingr mentioned the Bluesound Node. If you can spare the CD ripper/storage.
Perhaps the Magnat MC400 or the Advance Paris My Connect 60? Both amps with CD player but no storage). In addition, the Fiio R7 (incl. USB 2.0 and 3.0 plus a memory card slot).
Using these products without an app? I'm not sure if this will work in a simple way.
To get exactly what you are looking for, you would need to be prepared to spend a bit more than a couple of hundred bucks. Even if the product is second hand.