One Monoblock or Two?

When driving a speaker with a difficult load, is there a difference in driving the speaker with one large monobloc or biamping the speaker with two smaller monoblocks?

Specifically, would it make a difference in driving the speaker with one 600 watt monoblock, or to bi-amp the speaker with two 300 watt monoblocks? This is assuming that each amp doubles in power as the impedance halves.
Biamping would only be an advantage if you use a line level crossover, so that each of the amps only sees part of the frequency range.

Furthermore, the principle advantage of biamping is to reduce intermodulation distortion, and today's amps do not have the IM problem which existed a few decades ago.
Bi-ampling will make sense ONLY if speakers you use are very difficult to drive and create gross distortions with both of these two configurations.

For example, lets assume that the source of the distortions lies in low frequency area. If you use one monoblock then these distortions are spreaded across the spectrum including ear sensitive mid-range. If, on other hand, you use two monoblocks then you limit audible distortions , in this example, only to bass area which is less ear-sensitive and keep your midrange and treble pristine.

The power by itself tells me very little as some speakers need high current but others need high voltage.

All The Best

First, what do you call a 'difficult load'? Are you just referring to impedance / sensitivity? Or, the rest of the equation. If you have to ask what that is, you need to know.

Please check out the link on bi-amping. good information for down the road.

I especially recommend section 1.4