One year anniversary -what have I learned?

Its been a little over a year since I joined Audiogon. Time to reflect. Wow, first thing is that I never imagined how much fun I would have or how often I would check the site (few times a day). It has been very enriching to join such a helpful and knowledgable community. I have learned: Trust your ears but have a reference in live music and quality systems. That there are tangled forests of opinion on cables and vibration control. That passion for music does not correlate with pocketbook, but wisely spent money (used equipment)helps actualize the dream. That the listening room itself is highly important. That there are benefits in both vinyl and CD, tubes and SS. That some of the biggest delight has been from listening to music recommended by members. That I have tons more to learn. Thank you all for creating this community.
Great thread! It appears that you are more attuned to the MUSIC rather than the EQUIPMENT end! Some members are "gear-heads", who are more concerned with the constantly futzing with their hardware and tweaks, rather than enjoying the music...nothing wrong with either...whatever "floats your boat".

I have discovered that the more I learn about audio & video, the more I realize how little I really know!
Wonderful website! Greatly enjoy reading the "forum" section and I have learned so much about audio from all whom post and respond. Thanks everyone!
"That passion for music does not correlate with pocketbook, but wisely spent money"

I couldn't agree more.

I've owned some (for the average Joe) expensive equipment (ARC, Classe, Mark Levinson, Audio Artistry, etc.).
I enjoyed this stuff, to be sure.

My current system (Modest Sony ES A/V receiver @ $300, Thiel 1.6 speakers and Sony 9000ES DVD & KEF center/surrounds) in terms of sound is EXTREMELY satisfying!

Is it is the THX standard? I don't know.
Whatever the reason, my system has clean, clear, open extended sound with very good bass and adequate dynamics.

I think a lot of us over spend on gear as a way of saying "I've made it and this is the proof".
Nothing wrong with that as long as you're aware of it.

Enjoy your new hobby! There has never been a better time to be an Audiophile!
Nice thread Gammajo. I agree with your every word and you present a fine summary of salient points. It's kind of you to have left out the part about us all being a bit crazy ;-)