Onix A-120MKII Gets hot fast.

Hey All,

Need some advice on what to do with this integrated amp. When I turn it up and I don't mean wall shaking loud it gets very hot to touch after one CD and then the protection shuts her down. I am pushing PSB 6T's. I think have it bi-wired correctly and it doesn't do this with headphones. What's up Goners? THX

It sits open with a cable box and cd player on top. I am more attached to the speakers then this unit so I may start shopping for a replacement. Only paid $400 for it so it's not a huge deal. I may look around here for a shop to check it out, depending on the price. It replaced a finally dead 25 yo Rotel RA-870 60w integrated that never clipped and sounded better for a pedestrian amp from the 80's. I'd bet the Onix would sing with the right speakers. THX!
I would suggest you not place anything on top of the amp. Having anything digital placed on top of a piece of analogue equipment or vice verse is a really bad idea from a sonic perspective. Digital noise is pervasive. Put your digital equipment off to the side and try not to stack anything on top of each other.