Open Baffle Experience

Much has been said about open baffles, including an epic website by the late, great Dr. Linkwitz but I've only heard them really once, playing absolutely garbage music (thanks Pure Audio!) at a hotel.

I'm talking here about dynamic drivers in single baffles without enclosures, not ESLs or Magneplanar type systems.

I'm curious who has had them, and who kept them or went back to "conventional" boxes?

I'm not really looking to buy speakers, but I did start thinking about this because of a kit over at Madisound made with high quality drivers.




Kenjit burped: "Do not listen to folks who claim open baffles are better than box speakers. They probably cant afford state of the art box speakers which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Don’t forget rule #1, never listen to kenjit for anything.

I have heard many, many speakers in my lifetime and the S2 open baffle speakers below are among the top.


BTW, I recently heard Spatial Audio speakers for the first time with Linear Tube Audio electronics at the NYC show and thought they were one of the top 3 I heard at the show.  Very impressed. 

I have the Linkwitz Orion 3.3, the Emerald Physics CS2.3, and the Magnestand maggie 1.6 - all dipole open baffle speakers.

The Orions and Emerald Physics - sound a lot like Maggies on steroids - they have the open sound stage of Maggies, but with better bass and dynamics.  The Magnestand Maggies improve the bass and dynamics of the typical Maggies and are more efficient.  They all sound superb in most respects.  I think I prefer the Orions, but its close.


@kenjit Your posts remind me of the political climate in the country rignt now.   While I fully support your right to your opinion, you attempt to squash any opinion that doesn't agree with yours. I think if we made ou a moderator you would just delete anything tht doesn't agree with you. 

You do realize that if we all agreed on everything we wouldn't need a forum.


I've long been attracted to Emerald Physics beautiful open baffle speakers but I've never heard them.  If a used pair shows up near me I'll go listen to them.
