Open baffle speakers

Open baffle speakers design is the simplest , to get bass response similar to other design , like ported, the baffle size must be huge to avoid low frequency degradations . Tipical size the baffle   width 10-20"  got weak  bass performance.   I am wondering how open baffle speakers design became so popular ?


My only experience was owning Alon V MkIIs, which were like the Qualio IQ - sealed box woofer under an open baffle with mid and tweeter. I never got used to the sound and sold them after a couple of years to happily return to box speakers. The open baffle sound was just too diffuse sounding for me.

Last year at the Burning Amp Festival I heard a pair of open-baffle speakers that I found very impressive.  They were tall, with 7 drivers in a D'Appolito configuration on beautiful hardwood slabs.  The most natural sounding bass!  A plucked acoustic bass sounded like real strings, not "thuds."  Midrange and highs were lovely too.  Imaging was excellent, IMO.  They were made by a fellow named Greg Prisament and called "Natur".  He has a web site but I don't know if he's taking orders.  Previously I've heard smaller, single-driver OB speakers (some DIY and some commercial) and they were pleasant in many ways but wouldn't do orchestral music to speak of.  These were speakers I could live with.  I'm hoping he'll be there again this year, I'd like to hear them again.

I have the GR Research NX-Otica open baffles and their 2-driver OB sub.  Most of the people in our audio club rate them as among the best they have ever heard.

There’s certainly excellent bass.  Very tight and textured.

I ran various model Alon/Nola for years, certainly a different presentation vs box. Open baffle need to come out from front wall and likely need more absorption on that front wall vs. diffusion for box speakers. I actually preferred the way they imaged and did sound stage vs. box, more spaciousness around individual performers. Never could get used to the boxed speakers I used subsequent to the Alon/Nola, always sounded closed in to me. Now use horns which I prefer to the open baffle.


Listen to a friend's setup using Spatial's from time to time, still like the unique sound of these open baffles, perceive no great issues with bass.

I dont hear traditional close or ported boxes fan,  are they gonna sell Wilson

Tektone , Devore , ets and swich to OB design ?